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A standard doll cannot stand upright unsupported. The skeletal system is too flexible and collapsible to allow a doll to stand upright. The doll has the poise and relaxed state of a sleeping girl. The skeleton will hold a position as long as there is not a strong force against it, such as gravity. We try to shoot many of our photos of the dolls without supports but in some images, the supports have been removed for artistic quality. Dolls can be suspended on chains from the neck bolt on a beam or joist, or they can be supported on stands. The doll can sit unsupported in some positions.

Most of our Gigajuicy dolls do come with an option of “Standing Feet” where metal studs are added to the skeletal system. This allows the doll to stand under its own weight, again, with some assistance of other objects such as a wall or chair to lean against.

Updated on August 6, 2023
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